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Join us.

Middle School is a chaotic time in life and sometimes it is so chaotic it isn't even spelled correctly.  That is why we call our group: KAOS.  Whether your life is chaotic or not, we invite you to do your middle school KAOS with us. 




Each week during the school year there is a fun game, Biblical teaching on relevant topics, and small group time when we discuss how to apply Biblical principles to students’ everyday lives. All Middle School students are welcome, regardless of where you find yourself in your journey of faith, and you are encouraged to bring along your friends!

School Year Programming starts September 6, 2023. Our weekly programming will end on May 8 with our year end party. On Wednesday May 15 we will be having our 8th grader night where we invite our 8th graders to one last event and celebrate them moving from middle school to high school.  



Silver Birch Fall Retreat October 11-13

Join us for our annual Fall Retreat to Silver Birch Ranch for all Middle School Students in grades 6-8.  Cost is $80 a person. For more info Click the sign up here link or email Hope Cupery

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